The Human Resource Management Office is composed of Five Divisions working hand in hand to provide the highest quality of services, programs, and policies for the City Government’s employees, personnel, retirees, and those who want to work with the City Government of Davao.
For City Government Employees and Personnel
- Documentary Services
- Employee Benefit Programs
A certificate of employment may be needed for a variety of reasons as a proof of employment with the City Government of Davao. If you are an employed plantilla personnel, you can request a Certificate of Employment by following these steps:
- Applicant fills-up request form from the receiving counter of the HRMO stating therein his/her name, office and purpose;
- Administrative Staff from the receiving counter forwards the request form to the Personnel Benefits and Welfare Division (PBWD);
- PBWD prepares the Certificate of Employment;
- HRMO Department Head signs the Certificate of Employment;
- Administrative Staff seals and releases the Certificate of Employment to the applicant at the releasing counter.
A service record provides a documentary history of your activities and accomplishments while serving with the City Government of Davao. If you are an employed plantilla personnel, you can request a Certificate of Employment by following these steps:
- Applicant fills-up request form from the receiving counter of the HRMO stating therein his/her name, office and purpose;
- Administrative Staff prints the Service Record from the database;
- Administrative Division Head initials the Service Record;
- Administrative Staff seals and releases the Service Record to the applicant at the Releasing Counter.
A Certification for Job Order or Contract of Services will serve as a proof of the services you rendered for the City Government of Davao. If you are a Job Order or a Contract of Services Personnel, you can request for a certification by following these steps:
- Applicant fills-up request form from the Receiving Counter of the HRMO stating therein his/her name, office and purpose;
- Administrative Staff prints the Certification for Job Orders/Contracts of Services from database;
- Administrative Division Head initials the Certification of Job Orders/Contracts of Services;
- Administrative Staff seals and releases the Certification for Job Orders/Contracts of Services to the applicant at the Releasing Counter.
The City Government of Davao, with its partner organizations, offers occasional foreign and local scholarships for its employees. If you are an employed plantilla personnel, you can apply for available scholarships by following these steps:
- Applicant submits all the documentary requirements to the Human Resource Development Division of the HRMO for evaluation of the Personnel Development Committee (PDC);
- PDC secretariat evaluates all the documents submitted and informs the applicant on the schedule of interview;
- Applicant undergoes interview/assessment by the PDC;
- Upon favorable recommendation of the PDC, the HRMO Head endorses the documentary requirements to the City Mayor;
- Upon approval of the City Mayor, the HRMO Head endorses the documentary requirements to the DILG;
- PDC prepares the contract between the employee and the City Mayor;
- City Mayor issues authority to the employee.
- Endorsement from the Department Head;
- Invitation letter from the Host;
- IPCR with Very Satisfactory Rating for two (2) consecutive rating periods;
- Certificate of no pending administrative charges from the City Legal Office.
If you are an employed plantilla personnel and have plans to take your board/licensure exam or finish your thesis/dissertation, you can avail of the city government’s Study Leave Program. Through this program, you can avail of the 6-month Board Review and Examination leave or the 4-month Masters/Doctorate & Thesis/Dissertation leave by following these steps:
- Applicant submits all the documentary requirements to the Human Resource Development Division of the HRMO for evaluation of the Personnel Development Committee (PDC);
- PDC secretariat evaluates all the documents submitted and informs the applicant on the schedule of interview;
- Applicant undergoes interview/assessment by the PDC;
- Upon favorable recommendation of the PDC, the HRMO Head endorses the documentary requirements to the City Mayor;
- Upon approval of the City Mayor, the PDC prepares the contract between the employee and the City Mayor
- Application letter of the employee addressed to the City Mayor through the HRMO;
- Endorsement from the Department Head;
- IPCR with Very Satisfactory Rating for two (2) consecutive rating periods;
- Certificate of no pending administrative charges from the City Legal Office;
- City Clearance;
- Approved Leave Application;
- Administrative Slip from Review Center or School Registrar’s Office;
- Approved research proposal, if applicable.
List of Frequently Conducted Training Sessions by the HRMO
- Disaster Action Team Conference
- Ease of Doing Business Orientation
- Orientation Seminar for New Government Employees
- Pre-retirement Counseling and Seminar
- Productive Emotions at Work
- Public Speaking and Presentation Skills Training
- Seminar on Creating and Managing Corporate Brand
- Supervisory Development Course
- Training on Conflict Management
- Training on Presentation and Reporting Using MS Tools
- Training Program Coordinator’s Conference
- Work Attitude and Values Enhancement
- Workshop on Protocol, Etiquette and Social Graces
In line with the organization’s pledge to foster a healthy working environment among employees in various departments, we have put in place a variety of personnel relation activities that aims to build effective working relationships between personnel within and between various departments of the City Government.
For Non-City Government Personnel
At the City Government of Davao, you have the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the local community. You also have the opportunity to realize your own personal goals, build strong relationships, be recognized for the work you do.If you’re interested, you can apply for employment with us by following the steps below.
- Applicant submits application letter with complete requirements to the Personnel Selection & Transaction Division(PSTD) of the HRMO for evaluation;
- Applicants will be advised as to the schedule of the Pre-Qualifying Exam;
- Applicants takes the Pre-Qualifying Exams;
- Applicants who passed the Pre-Qualifying Exams will be notified as to the schedule of the panel interview to be conducted by the Personnel Selection Board(PSB);
- PSB prepares and submits the Comparative Assessment Report(CAR) to the City Mayor;
- HRMO conducts Background Investigation (BI) of the first 5 highest ranking applicants;
- City Mayor chooses among the first 5 highest ranking applicants whom he/she will appoint based on the BI report and CAR submitted;
- HRMO through the PSTD prepares the appointment for signature of the City Mayor and attestation of the Civil Service Commission;
- Application letter (2 copies) addressed to the City Mayor through Melody C. Herrera, Officer-in-charge, Human Resource Management Office;
- Personal Data Sheet (CS Form 212);
- Photocopy of Transcript of Records, Diploma or Form 138;
- Certificate of Employment from previous employer, if applicable;
- Photocopy of Certificates of Trainings/Seminars attended. if applicable;
- Photocopy of Certificate of Eligibility or PRC License, if applicable;
- Certification of Masters Units earned, if applicable.